The Greek philosopher Democritus (470–400 BC) suggested that all matter is composed
of tiny, discrete, indivisible particles that he called atoms. His ideas, based entirely on
philosophical speculation rather than experimental evidence, were rejected for 2000 years.
By the late 1700s, scientists began to realize that the concept of atoms provided an explanation
for many experimental observations about the nature of matter.
By the early 1800s, the Law of Conservation of Matter (Section 1-1) and the Law of
Definite Proportions (Section 1-5) were both accepted as general descriptions of how matter
behaves. John Dalton (1766–1844), an English schoolteacher, tried to explain why
matter behaves in such systematic ways as those expressed here. In 1808, he published the
first “modern” ideas about the existence and nature of atoms. Dalton’s explanation summarized
and expanded the nebulous concepts of early philosophers and scientists; more
importantly, his ideas were based on reproducible experimental results of measurements by
many scientists. These ideas form the core of Dalton’s Atomic Theory, one of the highlights
in the history of scientific thought. In condensed form, Dalton’s ideas may be stated
as follows:
1. An element is composed of extremely small, indivisible particles called atoms.
2. All atoms of a given element have identical properties that differ from those of
other elements.
3. Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or transformed into atoms of another element.
4. Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine with one another
in small whole-number ratios.
5. The relative numbers and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound.
Dalton believed that atoms were solid, indivisible spheres, an idea we now reject. But
he showed remarkable insight into the nature of matter and its interactions. Some of his
ideas could not be verified (or refuted) experimentally at the time. They were based on
the limited experimental observations of his day. Even with their shortcomings, Dalton’s
ideas provided a framework that could be modified and expanded by later scientists. Thus
John Dalton is often considered to be the father of modern atomic theory.
The smallest particle of an element that maintains its chemical identity through all
chemical and physical changes is called an atom (Figure 2-1). In Chapter 5, we shall study
the structure of the atom in detail; let us simply summarize here the main features of
atomic composition. Atoms, and therefore all matter, consist principally of three fundamental
particles: electrons, protons, and neutrons. These are the basic building blocks ofatoms. The masses and charges of the three fundamental particles are shown in Table

The masses of protons and neutrons are nearly equal, but the mass of an electron is
much smaller. Neutrons carry no charge. The charge on a proton is equal in magnitude,
but opposite in sign, to the charge on an electron. Because atoms are electrically neutral,an atom contains equal numbers of electrons and protons.
The atomic number (symbol is Z) of an element is defined as the number of protons
in the nucleus. In the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic
numbers. These are the red numbers above the symbols for the elements in the periodic
table on the inside front cover. For example, the atomic number of silver is 47.
A molecule is the smallest particle of an element or compound that can have a stable
independent existence. In nearly all molecules, two or more atoms are bonded together
in very small, discrete units (particles) that are electrically neutral.
Individual oxygen atoms are not stable at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.
Single atoms of oxygen mixed under these conditions quickly combine to form pairs. The
oxygen with which we are all familiar is made up of two atoms of oxygen; it is a diatomic
molecule, O2. Hydrogen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are other examples
of diatomic molecules (Figure 2-2).

Some other elements exist as more complex molecules. One form of phosphorus molecules
consists of four atoms, and sulfur exists as eight-atom molecules at ordinary temperatures
and pressures. Molecules that contain two or more atoms are called polyatomic
molecules (Figure 2-3).

In modern terminology, O2 is named dioxygen, H2 is dihydrogen, P4 is tetraphosphorus,
and so on. Even though such terminology is officially preferred, it has not yet gained
wide acceptance. Most chemists still refer to O2 as oxygen, H2 as hydrogen, P4 as phosphorus,
and so on.
Molecules of compounds are composed of more than one kind of atom. A water molecule
consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. A molecule of methane
consists of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. The shapes of a few molecules are
shown in Figure 2-4.
Atoms are the components of molecules, and molecules are the stable forms of many
elements and compounds. We are able to study samples of compounds and elements that
consist of large numbers of atoms and molecules. With the scanning tunnelling microscope
it is now possible to “see” atoms (Figure 2-5). It would take millions of atoms to
make a row as long as the diameter of the period at the end of this sentence.

Titanium's history
Titanium's historyTitanium is one of the most widespread element, the average content of it in the earth"s crust is 0.57% by mass (among construction metals it takes 4th place, cede to iron, aluminum and manganese). Titanium is mainly in base rock so called “basaltic sell? (0.9%), less in rocks of “granite shell? (0.23%) and less in ultrabasic rock (0.03%) etc.

There are known 67 minerals of titanium, mainly with abyssal origin, the most important of which are rutile and ilmenite. Ilmenite (43.7-52.8% ТiO2); rutile, anatase and brookite (94.2-99.0%); titanite (33.7-40.8%), perofskite (38.7-58.9%), titaniferous magnetite.

Titanium as dioxide was discovered by English dilettante mineralogist U. Gregor in 1791 magnetic ferriferous sands of Manacan (England); in 1795 German chemist M.G. Claprot found out that mineral rutile is the natural oxide of this metal, named “titanium? by him [in Greek mythology titans are the children of Uranium (Sky) and Hea (Earth)].

Technical titanium, used in industry, content oxygen, nitrogen, silicon and carbon admixtures increasing its strength, decreasing its plasticity and impacting on the temperature of its polymorphic conversion.

Titanium has good corrosion stability in atmosphere, sea water and oceanic atmosphere, in various technical solutions and reagents used in chemical, petrol chemical, paper-making and other branches of industry, as well as in hydrometallurgy.

The main advantages of titanium against other construction materials are the combination of lightness, strength and corrosion stability. Titanium alloys by absolute and specific durability are excel in the majority of other alloys, based on another metals (e.g. iron or nickel) in temperature range from -250 till 550 centigrade. According to corrosion stability it can be compared with alloys of noble metals. Yet, as construction metal titanium has started being used in 50th of 20th century because of technical hardship of its extraction from ores and treatment, that’s why the titanium has conditionally considered as rare metal. The main part of titanium is used for the necessities of air and rocket technique and shipbuilding. Titanium and iron alloys, known as “ferrotitanium? (20-50% Тi), is used as inoculant and deoxidizing component in the metallurgy of special alloys and high quality steels.

Technical titanium is used for chemical reactors, pipelines, control valves, pumps and other equipment production, which are working in aggressive mediums, e.g. chemical machine building. The equipment made of titanium alloys is used in non ferrous metallurgy; it’s used for covering of items made of steel. The usage of titanium in major cases brings noticeable technical and economical effect not only because of increasing of equipment’s working period, but due to process’ intensification possibility (e.g. in nickel’s hydrometallurgy). Biological safety of titanium makes it perfect material for producing of food and surgical equipment. In deep cold the hardness of titanium is increasing but keeping its good plasticity, which allow its usage as construction material in cryogenic technique. Titanium is well for polishing, anodic coating and other methods of surface treatment, so that is used for various art items’ and statues’ creation.

Titanium carbide has high hardness and used in hard alloys production used in tools and abrasive grains manufacturing.